Self-affirmations refer to positive spoken words and thoughts about your life. You can speak positively about your life to improve areas you may be struggling in such as your relationships, careers, school, health and so on. Self-affirmations take their essence from the Law of Attraction or the power of positive thinking. Time and again, studies have shown that people who are more positive in their outlook of life tend to end up more successful than those who are not positive.

However, do daily affirmations really work?

Research Studies about Positive Self Affirmations
Various studies have been done around the world regarding positive self-affirmations. From the results of the studies, one thing is clear: self-affirmations impact a person's life positively.

Behavioral scientists say that when you think positively or speak positive things to yourself, the brain releases various chemicals that improve your problem-solving skills. Therefore, you will find yourself more committed to achieving the goals you want.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you may be saying affirmations such as, "I am healthy and fit. I have a great body". These affirmations will make the brain work out ways to help you in reducing weight. For example, you may find yourself resisting the urge to binge eat. You may also find yourself getting the willpower to go for exercises or get started to go to the gym. Self-affirmations positively impact your brain, which in turns provides the willpower to help you achieve whatever you are affirming.

Benefits of Daily Affirmations
There are various benefits of engaging in positive daily affirmations. These include:

o You will be in constant gratitude about your life. The affirmations will help you notice the blessings and gifts you have that may be taking for granted and learn how to appreciate them.

o You will start impacting other people around you positively without even trying. For example, if you are always in a good mood at the office, you will notice your co-workers start liking and relating better to you.

o Affirmations can help to improve your health and prevent lifestyle diseases such as heart attacks. Stress is one of the causes of heart attacks. When practicing positive self-affirmations, you will rarely allow stress to overwhelm you and this will ensure you remain healthy.  

The key to attaining your goals through affirmations is being consistent. The process is on-going and if followed, can have a significant impact on your life as well as others around you. Read on The Secret book

What are the Benefits of Daily Affirmations?